You know the drill. These kinds of stories are stock-in-trade for local publications all over the country — and probably all over the world. “You Know You’re From Swaziland If … ?”
One reason these stories are so popular is because they’re fun, and who are we to argue with popular and fun? Nobody, that’s who. So, a couple weeks ago, we put out the call to Flyer readers and staffers to come up with some truly Memphis-centric answers, and boy, did they come through. Have fun.
… at least one person told you to have a “blessed day” in the past 24 hours.
… you remember all the restaurants that have been on the “death corner” in Cooper-Young.
… you have a really good “Hurricane Elvis” story.
… you brag about never having been to Graceland.
Read the full story (source): You Know You’re From Memphis If…