Category Archives: Promo Reel

World Ready Radio

World Ready Radio

It’s one thing to hear from an adult how their past education shaped their life choices. It’s something altogether different to have a discussion with a current student about how real-life exposure to lessons of entrepreneurship, work readiness and financial literacy are actively shaping their education, career and life journey. Thus, begins World Ready Radio –…MORE

Steve Gorman Rocks: M-F 7pm-Midnight

Steve Gorman Rocks: M-F 7pm-Midnight

Steve Gorman is a founding member of the iconic American rock n roll band The Black Crowes. Over 27 years, he toured the world relentlessly, leaving a small piece of his sanity at every stop. Gorman launched a sports talk radio show in Nashville, ’Steve Gorman SPORTS!’ in 2011, working with Troy Hanson at 102.5…MORE

Second Wachowski sibling comes out as transgender –

“The second half of the directing duo known as the Wachowskis has come out as transgender. Lilly Wachowski, 48, sibling of Lana Wachowski, 50, issued a statement to Windy City Times that begins, ‘SEX CHANGE SHOCKER—WACHOWSKI BROTHERS NOW SISTERS!!!’” Read the full story: Second Wachowski sibling comes out as transgender – CNN.comMORE

Bono Remembers David Bowie: ‘He Is My Idea of a Rock Star’ | Rolling Stone

“I’ve played at being a rock & roll star, but I’m really not one. David Bowie is my idea of a rock star. Right now, I’m in Myanmar, a little cut off from the reaction to David’s passing, but I can assure you the sky is a lot darker here without the Starman.” Read more: Bono Remembers…MORE

Sweet Deals – Half Off

Sweet Deals – Half Off

SWEET DEALS Spend Less. Have More. Sweet Deals and your favorite Local merchants have partnered together to bring your savings on restaurants, activities, events, services & more… right in your backyard. Click here to see current deals.MORE
